04 January 2011

living with scabies

Scabies is a contagious skin infection that occurs when microscopic parasites - a type of mite - burrow under the skin and cause intense itching.  Continued itching of the lesion leads to open wounds and in unsanitary conditions, more severe infections.  Living with Scabies is a reality in the Orphanage.  Since my arrival in early November, there have been a handful of new Children with infections each week.  It is quite difficult to watch these young Children suffer through the pain of Scabies and further infections that make walking, sitting, and eating difficult.  There are many tears - for the pain and for the treatments.  Those with Scabies are given a warm water salt bath before standing in their birthday suit to fully dry in the glaring heat of the sun.  This is followed by a (gloved) scrubbing of the infected site with medicated soap.  If there are lesions on their heads - then their heads are sporadically shaved, boys and girls alike.  I've seen girls loose long, waist length locks to the razor.  Minor cases are then dressed with a paste made from Tumeric and water, while the more severe cases require a visit to the Doctor for injections and/or oral prescription medications.  With proper treatment, most of the wounds typically heal within ten days to two weeks . . . Just enough time for more outbreaks (and tears) to surface in other Children. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear daughter,
    Please do not bring these back; also leave the lice there. I am working on renting a HAZMAT suit for your wearing when you return--

    Cannot wait until the day you and only you return

    Love and kisses and hugs and tenderness, mama
